Based on the agreement between Japan's MEXT and South Africa's DST, Japan and South Africa have supported researcher exchange programme under the JSPS-NRF scheme and joint researches in the field of life science under the JST-NRF scheme.
Identification of Molecular Markers for Climate Change Adaptation in Beef Cattle (M2CA-BEEF)
Japan: Prof OHKURA Satoshi, Vice Dean, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
South Africa: Dr Bohani MTILENI, Faculty of Science, Tshwane University of Technology
Ethiopia: Dr Mengistie Taye TEREFE, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University
The impact of pre- and postharvest plant protection practices on decay in the tomato value chain in Botswana and South Africa under shifting global climatic conditions (PHTD)
Japan: Prof SAKURAI Takeshi, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
South Africa: Dr Julia MEITZ-HOPKINS, Division of AgriSciences, Stellenbosch University
Botswana: Dr Mosimanegape JONGMAN, Faculty of Science, University of Botswana
Water wise waste management: Two ends of the size scale, macro and nano augmentation for dry anaerobic digestion optimization (W3M-Dry AD)
水を賢く利用する廃棄物管理: 乾式嫌気性消化の最適化のためのサイズスケールの両端、マクロとナノの増強
Japan: Dr Sasipa BOONYUBOL, School of Environment and Society, Institute of Science Tokyo
South Africa: Dr Ashira ROOPNARAIN, Division of Natural Resources and Engineering, Agricultural Research Council (ARC)
Mozambique: Dr Custódio Efraim MATAVEL, Division of Rural Engineering, Universidade Lúrio
Sustainability Challenge in Africa: Purification of Contaminated Soil Using Nano-Calcium and Its Recycling into Eco-Fertilizer and High-Strength Concrete (SCA-CEFC)
アフリカにおける持続可能性への挑戦: ナノカルシウムを用いた汚染土壌の浄化とエコ肥料および高強度コンクリートへのリサイクル
Japan: Prof MITOMA Yoshiharu, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University
South Africa: Dr Memory TEKERE, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of South Africa
Ethiopia: Prof Gudina Terefe TUCHO, Institute of Health, Jimma University
Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Using Algal-bacterial Consortia for Enhanced Resilience to Climate Change in Africa (SWATIA)
アフリカにおける気候変動レジリエンス強化のための藻類・細菌コ ンソーシアムを用いた持続可能な廃水処理
Japan: Dr Zhongfang LEI, Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
South Africa: Prof Faizal BUX, Institute for Water and Wastewater Technology, Durban University of Technology
Kenya: Prof Laila ABUBAKAR, School of Applied and Health Science, Technical University of Mombasa
Development of minimally invasive cancer therapy using biocompatible graphene-gold nanorods-porphyrin conjugates for dual phototherapy using NIR light with controlled surface cooling
Prof Atsuki Komiya, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
Prof Oluwatobi Samuel Oluwafemi, Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Johannesburg
Nano-phytosomes as delivery system of honeybush anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory bioactives
Prof Yutaka Miura, Department of Applied Biological Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Dr Mariska Lilly, Applied Microbial and Health Biotechnology Institute, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Mechanistic studies of HIV-integrase inhibition by the combination of advanced quantum and atomistic calculations
Prof Akio Kitao, School of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Prof Hendrik Gerhardus Kruger, School of Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Equipping Pre-service Teachers with Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Comparative Study between South Africa and Japan
Dr Takayoshi Maki, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University
Prof Agnes Chigona, Faculty of Education, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Geo-spatial Risk Index Tool (GSRIT) to Monitor Human-Nature Conflicts in South Africa, Kenya and Botswana (GSRIT)
Japan: Ram AVTAR, Associate Professor, Faculty of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University
South Africa: Michael GEBRESLASIE, Associate Professor, School of Agriculture, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kwazulu-Natal
Botswana: Kabo DIRADITSILE, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, Botswana Open University
Kenya: Joseph MUKEKA, Principle Research Scientist, Wildlife Research and Training Institute
Advancing Sustainable Soybean Protection and Resilience to Drought Stress in Africa through Holistic Engineering of Host-Microbe Interactions (MICRO-DRI)
Japan: David ARMITAGE, Assistant Professor, Integrative Community Ecology Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
South Africa: Itumeleng MOROENYANE, Senior Lecturer, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University
Kenya: Stephen Kamau WANJIRU, Lecturer, Department of Natural Sciences, Catholic University of East Africa
Fire Safe African Homes on the Wildland Urban Interface (AfriWUIFire)
Japan: SUZUKI Sayaka, Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
South Africa: Richard WALLS, Professor, Fire Engineering Research Unit, Stellenbosch University
Botswana: Rejoice TSHEKO, Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Sustainable Climate Change Mitigation in African Smallholder Cropping Systems: Greenhouse Gas Reduction together with Soil Carbon Sequestration (SMART)
Japan: HOMMA Koki, Professor, Crop Science, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University
South Africa: Lindumusa MYENI, Researcher, Natural Resources and Engineering, Agricultural Research Council
Botswana: Piet Kebuang KENABATHO, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, University of Botswana
IoT Based Intelligent Intermixed Biogas and Photovoltaic System (3IPs)
Japan: Lin MENG, Associate Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
South Africa: Zenghui WANG, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Science, Engineering and Technology, University of South Africa
Zimbabwe: Liston MATINDIFE, Lecturer, Electronics Department, National University of Science and Technology
Global study of midlatitude plasma bubbles using multi-instrument observations and models
Prof Yuichi Otsuka, Nagoya University
Dr Zama T. Katamzi-Joseph, South African National Space Agency (SANSA)
Analysis of climate influences on medical conditions and diseases - CLIMED
Prof Masahiro Hashizume, University of Tokyo
Dr Neville Sweijd, CSIR - Smart Places
Repositioning and development of clinical nitrofurans and related redox-active compounds as oral trypanocidal drugs
Dr Keisuke Suganuma, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Prof David N'DA, North West University
Theoretical and Experimental approach on understanding high-temperature shape memory effect
Prof Yoko Yamabe Mitarai, University of Tokyo
Dr Maje Jacob Phasha, MINTEK
Application of eDNA metabarcoding for assessment and prediction of faunal Biodiversity of African Mangrove Ecosystem
Japan: KAJITA Tadashi, Professor, Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus
South Africa: Nasreen Peer, Lecturer, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University
Senegal: Jean Fall, Associate Professor, University Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Cheikh Anta Diop University
Sustainable well-being through rapid detection, remediation and stakeholder awareness of contaminants in environments impacted by mining activities
Japan: Izabela Rzeznicka, Professor, College of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology
South Africa: Nhamo Chaukura, Associate Professor, Sol Plaatje University
Botswana: Venecio U. Ultra, Associate Professor, Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST)
Environmentally sound Water management for Sustainable Agricultural Practices in South Africa and Botswana: an international collaboration between Africa and Japan
Japan: NARITA Daiju, Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
South Africa: Djiby Thiam, Associate Professor, University of Cape Town
Botswana: Wame L. Hambira, Senior Researcher, Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana
Co-creation of a Community-based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene model with children and youth
Japan: YAMAUCHI Taro, Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Director, Center for Environmental and Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
South Africa: Catherine, Sutherland, Professor, University of KwaZulu-Natal, WASH R&D Centre
Botswana: Wellington, MASAMBA, Professor, Botswana International University of Science and Technology
Zambia: Charles, Michelo, Professor,Harvest Research Institute, Harvest University
Integration Research of Large-Scale Environmental Changes from the Whole History of The Earth
Japan: Dr Shoichi Kiyokawa, Associate Professor, Kyushu University
South Africa: University of Johannesburg
Ghana: University of Ghana
Egypt: Menoufia University
East Timor: National University of Timor-leste
Development of New Ammonia Synthesis System using Renewable Energy and Hydrogen
Prof Ken-ichi Aika, Numazu Kosen (National Institute of Technology, Numazu College)
Prof Dmitri Bessarabov, HySA Infrastructure / North West University
Study of Photo-Nuclear Reactions for Extragalactic Propagation of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays -phase one
Prof Atsushi TAMII, Osaka University
Dr Luna PELLEGRI, iThemba Labs
Development and Characterization of High- Performance Anion Exchange Membrane for Alkaline Fuel Cells
Prof Takuya MABUCHI, Tohoku University
Dr Phumlani MSOMI, University of Johannesburg
Evaluation of pathological neuromuscular activation patterns in patients with stroke and spinal cord injury using multi-channel surface electromyography
Prof Kohei WATANABE, Chukyo University
Dr Yumna ALBERTUS, University of Cape Town
Field and mechanism- based toxicity research on pesticides in Africa (ToRePs)
Japan: Prof Mayumi ISHIZUKA, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University
South Africa: Prof Victor Wepener, School of Biological Sciences, North-West University
Ghana: Dr Osei Akoto, College of Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Zambia: Dr John YABE, Samora Machel School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zambia
Assessing the Lake Kariba Catchment Environment for Sustainable Water, Energy, Livelihoods and Ecosystem health (WELCOME)
Japan: Dr Yoshitaka UCHIDA, Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
South Africa: Prof Luke Chimuka, Department of Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand
Zambia: Prof Imasiku Nyambe, Department of Geology, University of Zambia
Food and Livelihood Resilience from Neglected and Underutilized Plant Species in Western Africa (FORENS)
Japan: Dr Alexandros GASPARATOS, Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo
South Africa: Prof Cheikh Mbow, Future Africa, University of Pretoria
Burkina Faso: Prof Adjima Thiombiano, Department of Plant Biology and Plant Physiology, University of Ouagadougou
Senegal: Prof Mame Samba Mbaye, Department of Plant Biology, Cheikh Anta Diop University
Development of Resilient E-farming for agro-climate risk management in African Multi-environments (DREAM)
Japan: Prof Mitsuru TSUBO, Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University
South Africa: Dr Mokhele Moeletsi, Soil, Climate and Water Team, Agricultural Research Council
Senegal: Dr Gualbert Dorego, National Centre for Agronomic Research, Senegalese Institute for Agricultural Research
Establishment of an Environmental Toxicology Core Platform in Africa
Japan: Prof Mayumi Ishizuka, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University
South Africa: North West University
Zambia: University of Zambia
Ghana: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
Namibia: University of Namibia
Development of a Carbon Recycling System toward a Decarbonised Society by using Mineral Carbonation
Dr Atsushi IIZUKA, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials (IMRAM), Tohoku University
Dr Victor Tunde OJUMU, Faculty of Engineering, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Development of minimally invasive treatment method using biocompatible graphene oxide- gold nanorods nanocomposite and near- infrared laser light combined with heat- transfer control technique
複合伝熱制御技術による金ナノロッドと近赤外線 光を用いた低侵襲治療法の開発
Prof KOMIYA Atsuki, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
Prof OLUWAFEMI Samuel Oluwatobi, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
The Challenges for African Food Security using African Tuber Cowpea - Development of Multi-Stress Tolerance Future Crop
南アフリカ原産アカササゲのマルチストレス耐性 機構を用いた食糧問題へのチャレンジ
Dr Yu TAKAHASHI, Genetic Resources Center, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
Prof Ndiko Ndomelele LUDIDI, Department of Biotechnology, University of the Western Cape
Mineral Carbon Capture and Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Neutralization Processes with Alkaline Industrial Wastes
Dr Atsushi IIZUKA, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials (IMRAM), Tohoku University
Dr Victor Tunde OJUMU, Faculty of Engineering, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Honeybush as preventive strategy for allergy; evaluation in in vitro and in vivo models
培養細胞および動物モデルを用いたハニーブッ シュのアレルギー予防作用の検証
Prof Yutaka MIURA, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Prof Elizabeth JOUBERT, Infruitec- Nietvoorbi, Agricultural Research Council (ARC)
Advanced Research Network for Biohydrometallurgy of Double Refractory Gold Ore
Japan: Prof Keiko Sakai, Kyushu University
South Africa: University of Cape Town
Ghana: Ghana University of Mining and Technology
Global analyses of mangrove ecosystem by eDNA metabarcoding
Japan: Prof Tadashi Kajita, Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus
South Africa: University of Stellenbosch
China: Xiamen University
Indonesia: Universitas Sumatera Utara
Malaysia: Universiti Putra Malaysia
Philippines: University of the Philippines
Thailand: Chulalongkorn University
Senegal: Cheikh Anta Diop University
Sri Lanka: University of Peradeniya
India: Annamalai University
Establishment of international collaborating center for controlling tick-borne protozoan diseases in Africa
Japan: Prof Xuenan Xuan, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
South Africa: North-West University
Uganda: Makerere University
Kenya: University of Nairobi
Tanzania: Sokoine University of Agriculture
Burkina Faso: University of Ougadougou
Egypt: Menoufia University
Biotechnological approaches to facilitate metal recovery from refractory carbonaceous mineral ores
Prof Keiko SASAKI, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
Prof Susan HARRISON, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town
Development of a novel yeast strain for bioproduction by optimization of cell morphology and secretion mechanisms
Prof Tomohisa HASUNUMA, Engineering Biology Research Center, Kobe University
Dr Riaan DEN HAAN, University of the Western Cape
Human Resilience in the face of man-made and natural disaster in Japan and South Africa: Ethnographic Perspective
自然災害人的災害に対するレジリエンスの研究 ―日本と南アフリカの民族誌から
Prof Kiyoshi UMEYA, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University
Dr Marlon Burgess SWAI, Faculty of Humanity, University of Cape Town
Joint integrity evaluation of additive manufacturing and laser welding of Ti6Al4V
Dr Yasuhiro OKAMOTO, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
Dr Sisa Pityana, African Laser Centre, CSIR
Prof Esther Titilayo AKINLABI, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg
Spatial temporal analysis of anima an human rabies cases in South Africa: 1997-2017
Dr Kohei Makita, Rakuno Gakuen University
Dr Claude Sabeta, Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute, Agricultural Research Council (ARC)
Stress states and seismic structures beneath gold mines in the source area of M5.5 Orkeny earthquake
Dr Yasuo Yabe, Tohoku University
Dr Musa S.D. Manzi, University of the Witwatersrand
Lessons from Japan regarding indigenous knowledge related to the use of beneficial insects to enhance teacher professional development in South Africa
Prof Kenichi Nonaka, Rikkyo University
Dr Luiza de Sousa, North-West University
Disentangling the role of chemolithotrophs in the Pacific and Southern Oceans
Dr Takuro Nunoura, JAMSTEC
Dr Thunali Peter Makhalanyane, University of Pretoria
Establishment of the research network for exploring the linguistic diversity and linguistic dynamism in Africa
Dr SHINAGAWA Daisuke, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Dr Hlungwani Crous, University of Venda
Dr Kari Ethelbert, University of Botswana, Botswana
Dr Mapunda Gastor, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Dr Oriikiriza Celestino, Makerere University, Uganda
Dr Ngalande Sande, University of Zambia, Zambia
Formation of Social Design Research Hub for Tackling Sustainability IssuesPro
Prof Takashi Mino, The University of Tokyo
Dr Bradshaw Dee, University of Cape Town
Dr M'iliugu Henry Mutembe, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Dr Sibly Suzyrman, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Dr Universiti Sains Malaysia, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Establishment of Research and Education Hub on Smart Mining for Sustainable Resource Development in Southern African Countries
Prof Yohei Kawamura, Akita University
Dr Cawood Frederick, University of the Witwatersrand
Dr Shemang Elisha M, BIUST, Botswana
Dr Bene Bernardo Miguel, Tete Polytechnic Institute, Mozambique
Dr Sikazwe Oskazwa N, University of Zambia, Zambia
Development of a minimally invasive treatment method using biocompatitive gold nano-rods and near-infrared laser light for lymph node metastasis
Prof Tetsuya KODAMA, Tohoku University, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
Dr Oluwatobi Samuel OLUWAFEMI, University of Johannesburg, Department of Applied Chemistry
Citizenship in the 21st Century South Africa and Japan
Dr Itsuhiro HAZAMA, Nagasaki University, School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences
Francis Beng NYAMNJOH, University of Cape Town, Faculty of Humanities
Expanding the potential of rooibos and honeybush as condition-specific nutraceuticals
Prof Yutaka MIURA, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof Elizabeth JOUBERT, Agricultural Research Council, Infruitec-Nietvoobij
Dr Ayako Ohkubo, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security
Dr Aubrey NELWAMONDO, Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa, National Nuclear Forensics Program
Research cooperation between ICDP projects to drill into seismic zones in South Africa and India
Prof Hiroshi Ogasawara, Ritsumeikan University
Dr Durrheim Raymond John, University of the Witwatersrand
Dr Somala Surenda Nadh, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India
Dr Neta Wechsler, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Establishment of Partnership among Mineral and Geothermal Resources in Asia and Africa Region by Near Future Generation Geoscientists
Dr Kotaro Yonezu, Kyushu University
Dr Judith Kinnairo, University of the Witwatersrand
Dr Setijadji lucas, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Dr Thitisak Boonpramote, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Dr Betchaida Payot, Universit of the Philippines, Philippines
Dr Jargalan Sereneen, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia
Dr May thwe Aye, University of Yangon, Myanmar
Dr Nachida Abdallah, University of Science and Technology, Houari Boumediene, Algeria
Dr Waleed Ibrahim, Egyptian Nuclear Materials Authority, Egypt
Dr Josphat Mulwa, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Formation of gastrointestinal infectious disease center mainly focused on Helic obacter pylori infection in African countries
Prof Yoshio Yamaoka, Oita University
Dr Moodley Yoshan, University of Venda
Dr Pascal Tshiamala, University of Mbujimayi, DR Congo
Dr Ondari Enock, The Kisii teaching and referral hospital, Kenya
Dr Oluwasola Abideen Olayiwola, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Establishment of High Efficiency Energy Converson System by Using Near Infrared and its Medical and Engineering Application
Prof Nagao KOBAYASHI, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinsyu University
Pro Tebello NYOKONG, Department of Chemistry, Rhodes University
Matching of Africa and Asia, Immigrants and Agencies in the Globalisation World
グローバル化する世界における移民とエージェンシー アフリカとアジアの出会い
Prof Youichi MINE, Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisya University
Prof Scareltt CORNELISSEN, Department of Political Science, University of Stellenbosch
Future Scenario of the Water Quality of the Surface Stream Water in South Africa and Japan based on Climate Change and Land Usage Transformation
Prof Hiroshi YAJIMA, Estuary Research Centre, Tottori University
Dr Mohamed Abd Elbasit MOHAMED AHMED, Institute for Soil, Climate, and Water, Agricultural Research Council (ARC)
Analysis of Host Non-Coding RNA Analysis by Infection with the Tubercle Bacillus
Dr Harukazu SUZUKI, Group Director, Center for Life Science Technologies, RIKEN
Prof Frank BROMBACHER, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cape Town
Production of Biofuels Using Algal Biomass
Prof Hideki Kanda, Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering
Prof Faizal Bux, Durban University of Technology
Research on evaluation and prevention of establishment of exotic insect pest 'sirex noctilio'
Dr Masanobu TABATA, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tohoku Research Centre
Prof Bernard SLIPPERS, University of Pretoria, Genetics
Establishment of evidence of health enhancement function of rooibus and honey bush and consideration of expansion of their application
Prof Yutaka MIURA, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof Elizabeth JOUBERT, Agricultural Research Council, Infruitec-Nietvoobij
Technical development of nano-fiber fabrication to aim of high-degree application of fungosity peptide origin of lactic acid bacterium and its evaluation
Prof Kenji SONOMOTO, Kyushu University, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof Leon Milner Theodore DICKS, Stellenbosch University, Department of Microbiology
Research on Milky way Galaxy by using variable astronomical body
Dr Noriyuki MATSUNAGA, Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo, School of Science
Prof Patricia A WHITELOCK, South African Astronomical Observatory
Establishment of Chemical Hazard Commission for Africa
Prof Mayumi Ishizuka, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University
Dr Victor Wepener, North-West University
Dr Osei Akoto, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Dr Ezemonye Lawrence, University of Benin, Nigeria
Dr Yared Beyene, Univeristy of Gondar, Ethiopia
Dr Paul Moundipa F, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon
Dr Wageh Sobhy Darwish, Zagazig University, Egypt
Dr Kaampwe Muzandu, University of Zambia, Zambia
Dr Nabli H.H. Bashir, University of Gezira, Sudan
Development of advanced design method for superconductor integrated circuit process
Prof Nobuyuki YOSHIKAWA, Yokohama National University, Faculty of Engineering
Prof Bernard SLIPPERS, Stellenbosch University, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Impact evaluation of biogeocenosis of DDT IRS and human health in the controlled-malaria area
Dr Yoshinori IKENAKA, Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Prof Johan Janse VAN VUREN, University of Johannesburg, Department of Zoology
Development of photo-sensitive material of the third-generation photo dynamic therapy
Prof Nagao KOBAYASHI, Shinshu University, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology
Prof Tebello NYOKONG, Rhodes University・Department of Chemistry・Professor
Development of photo-thermal cure for involved lymph node by auri-nano-rod and near infrared
Prof Tetsuya KODAMA, Tohoku University, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
Dr Oluwafemi Samuel OLUWATOBI, Associate professor, University of Johannesburg, Dept of Applied Chemistry
Establishment of Early-warning System for Infectious Diseases in Southern Africa Incorporating Climate Predictions
Noboru Minagawa, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University & JAMSTEC
Applied Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science (ACCESS), Medical Research Council, and University of Limpopo
Clarification of health promotion effect of rooibos and honeybush
Yutaka Miura, Laboratory of Nutritional Physiochemistry, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology
Elizabeth Joubert, Infruitec Nietvoordij, Agriculture Research Council
Effect of antioxidant, green and herbal tea onto urinary excretion
Kenjiro Kohri, Nagoya City University
Allen Lawrence Rodgers, Chemistry Department, University of Cape Town
Protective and subversive mechanism of macrophage genes in Microbacterium tuberculosis infection
Harukazu Suzuki, Group Director, Center for Life Science Technologies, RIKEN
Frank Broumbacher, Professor, Division of Immunology, Health Science Faculty, University of Cape Town
The effects of HIV infection on pre-eclampsia
Tadashi Konoshita, Associate professor, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Fukui University
Jagidesa Moodley, Professor Emeritus, School of Clinical Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Genetic and pathogenic diversity of Pantoea ananatis strains
植物病原細菌Pantoea ananatisの遺伝子型と病原性の多様性に関する研究
Yuichi Takikawa, Professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka University
Teresa Ann Coutinho, Professor, Department of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, University of Pretoria
Biodiversity and evolution of algae in the Indo-Pacific: A Japan/ South Africa comparison
Akihiko Kondo, Bioproduction Engineering Lab, Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Kobe University
Willem H Van Zyl, Department of Microbiology, Stellenbosch University
Establishment of International Toxicology Consortium with 8 African Countries
Mayumi Ishizuka, Laboratory of Toxicology, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine,
Hokkaido University
Johan Van Vuren, Department of Zoology, University of Johannesburg
The Impact of HIV on Factors associated with the Prediction of Pre-eclampsia
Tadashi Konoshita, Faculty of of Medical Sciences, Fukui University
Moodley Jagidesa, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Investigation of health related benefits of South Africa's native plants such as rooibos and honeybush
Kazumi Yagasaki, Laboratory of Nutritional Physiochemistry, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology
Elizabeth Joubert, Agricultural Research Council
Biodiversity and evolution of algae in the Indo-Pacific: A Japan/ South Africa comparison
Takeo HORIGUCHI, Professor, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
John Bolton, Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Cape Town
Genomic analysis of pathogenesis of Amebiasis toward development of new diagnostics and intervention
Tomoyoshi NOZAKI, Professor, Graduate School of Life and Envirionmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Amidou Samie, Senior Lecturer, School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, University of Venda
Towards the development of an ‘oasis of peace’ through the institutionalization of a research network in southern Africa
Virgil Hawkins, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University
Hussein Solomon, the Department Political Studies and Governance, University of the Free State