Joint Research: South Africa–Japan

Based on the agreement between Japan's MEXT and South Africa's DST, Japan and South Africa have supported researcher exchange programme under the JSPS-NRF scheme and joint researches in the field of life science under the JST-NRF scheme.



  • JSPS-NRF 2023-2025
    • Development of minimally invasive cancer therapy using biocompatible graphene-gold nanorods-porphyrin conjugates for dual phototherapy using NIR light with controlled surface cooling

      Prof Atsuki Komiya, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University

      Prof Oluwatobi Samuel Oluwafemi, Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Johannesburg

    • Nano-phytosomes as delivery system of honeybush anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory bioactives

      Prof Yutaka Miura, Department of Applied Biological Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

      Dr Mariska Lilly, Applied Microbial and Health Biotechnology Institute, Cape Peninsula University of Technology

    • Mechanistic studies of HIV-integrase inhibition by the combination of advanced quantum and atomistic calculations

      Prof Akio Kitao, School of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology

      Prof Hendrik Gerhardus Kruger, School of Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal

    • Equipping Pre-service Teachers with Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Comparative Study between South Africa and Japan

      Dr Takayoshi Maki, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University

      Prof Agnes Chigona, Faculty of Education, Cape Peninsula University of Technology

  • Africa-Japan Collaborative Research (AJ-CORE) in the fields of “Environmental Science”
    • Geo-spatial Risk Index Tool (GSRIT) to Monitor Human-Nature Conflicts in South Africa, Kenya and Botswana (GSRIT)

      Japan: Ram AVTAR, Associate Professor, Faculty of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University

      South Africa: Michael GEBRESLASIE, Associate Professor, School of Agriculture, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kwazulu-Natal

      Botswana: Kabo DIRADITSILE, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, Botswana Open University

      Kenya: Joseph MUKEKA, Principle Research Scientist, Wildlife Research and Training Institute

    • Advancing Sustainable Soybean Protection and Resilience to Drought Stress in Africa through Holistic Engineering of Host-Microbe Interactions (MICRO-DRI)

      Japan: David ARMITAGE, Assistant Professor, Integrative Community Ecology Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University

      South Africa: Itumeleng MOROENYANE, Senior Lecturer, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University

      Kenya: Stephen Kamau WANJIRU, Lecturer, Department of Natural Sciences, Catholic University of East Africa

    • Fire Safe African Homes on the Wildland Urban Interface (AfriWUIFire)

      Japan: SUZUKI Sayaka, Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology

      South Africa: Richard WALLS, Professor, Fire Engineering Research Unit, Stellenbosch University

      Botswana: Rejoice TSHEKO, Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources

    • Sustainable Climate Change Mitigation in African Smallholder Cropping Systems: Greenhouse Gas Reduction together with Soil Carbon Sequestration (SMART)

      Japan: HOMMA Koki, Professor, Crop Science, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University

      South Africa: Lindumusa MYENI, Researcher, Natural Resources and Engineering, Agricultural Research Council

      Botswana: Piet Kebuang KENABATHO, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, University of Botswana

    • IoT Based Intelligent Intermixed Biogas and Photovoltaic System (3IPs)

      Japan: Lin MENG, Associate Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University

      South Africa: Zenghui WANG, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Science, Engineering and Technology, University of South Africa

      Zimbabwe: Liston MATINDIFE, Lecturer, Electronics Department, National University of Science and Technology

  • 2022

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